Colombia’s new central bank director increases tensions
Colombia’s President Ivan Duque triggered a resurgence of anti-government sentiment on Tuesday by appointing his loathed former finance...
Comentarios a la Comisión para Beneficios Tributarios
Comentarios a la Comisión de Expertos en Beneficios Tributarios convocada por el Gobierno de Iván Duque. Preparados con David Arboleda....
Colombia's tax code does nothing to level wealth distribution
A podcast were I talked about the #Covid_19 crisis, especially about how it relates to and reflects deeper Colombian problems. Listen to...
Does population growth cause conflict?
Population surges tend to cause conflict and competition for resources if unaccompanied by productivity growth and unmediated by strong...
Presentation: Who wants violence? The political economy of conflict and state-building
Who wants violence? The political economy of conflict and state-building, Lunch and Learn Series, Harris School of Public Policy,...
How not to build a state: Evidence from Colombia
A major problem in many poor countries is lack of state capacity to control violence, enforce laws, tax and regulate economic activity,...
Presentation: Political Obstacles to State Building in Colombia
Political Obstacles to State Building in Colombia, Open Society Learning Trip.